meet people - explore art
"ArtMate connects unreservedly, openly and individually - We promote access to art and culture for inspiring memories." Under this mission statement, the artMate app is intended to connect people with art and culture, as well as users with each other. As diverse as art is, it is just as different in the eye of the beholder - that is why a type of museum is first determined playfully for targeted matching. Then, based on further personal preferences and liking, users can choose which pre-selected contacts and exhibitions best suit them. Above, the integrated chat function is possible with potential mates to enter into exchange. In order to give many people the opportunity to participate fully in this community, the “LiveMate” feature offers virtual remote visits. Physical impairments or spatial distances are no longer an insurmountable obstacle.
Project Planning, Research, Ideation, Concept Creation, User Testings, Prototyping, Presenting to Stakeholders, Team Leading
Team out of 3 students with different academic backgrounds
4 Months Project
Bundeskunsthalle Bonn